What Does the word ‘Kapha’ Mean?

Kapha Dosha constitutes predominantly of earth and water elements. Kapha and Shleshma are synonyms. In sanskrit it is said that ‘Shlish Aalingane’ (श्लिष्  आलिंगने) which means to embrace or keep together or “that which sticks.”.

Kapha unites properties such as heavy, slow and steady, soft, dense, tough, and cold. In the body, Kapha governs the solidity of all structures as well as maintains the right amount of body fluids. It is the principle that holds the cells together and forms the muscle, fat, bone, and sinew. The primary function of Kapha is protection. It is the basis for the structural integrity of the human body.

The main locations of Kapha in the body are the chest, throat, lungs, head, lymph, fatty tissue, connective tissue, ligaments, and tendons. Physiologically, Kapha moistens food, gives bulk to our tissues, lubricates joints, stores energy, and relates to cool bodily fluids such as water, mucous, and lymph. Psychologically, Kapha governs love, patience, forgiveness, greed, attachment, and mental inertia. With its earthly makeup, Kapha grounds Vata and Pitta and helps offset imbalances related to these doshas.

What Does it mean if you are a Kapha Type Individual?

The qualities of Kapha are oily, sharp, Heavy, Slow, Steady, Solid, Cold, Soft and static. A Kapha individual will be a personified version of these qualities which will manifest in his body and mind, be it in a balanced healthy state or imbalanced diseased state.

Physical Characteristics of Kapha Body Type

Kapha types have a large and Well Built Body and are physically strong.They have an impressive figure, big beautiful eyes, well-shaped mouth, smooth porcelain skin, snow-white teeth, thick hair, and inner peace. They have a deep and pleasant voice. They walk slowly with steady gait.

Mental Characteristics

A person with a Kapha Type has a very good conscience and good control over mind.They are content and have a good resistance to mental strain.They have steady thoughts, good memory, attentiveness and concentration. However, they have an average grasping power. They are calm, mostly non-aggressive and have a forgiving nature. They are mostly liked by other people and have many friends.

Their ability to hold onto things, pounds, and people, coupled with water retention, makes life difficult for them in many respects, but financially, this leads them to wealth and possessions.

Such a person’s constant stoic calm is convincing, and with a few helpful tips, he or she will stay healthy in the long term.

This all sounds very positive, but they also have a tendency toward overeating, insufficient exercise, and excessive sleep.

When Kapha is in balance-

The Kapha individuals have a strong build and excellent stamina. They have Large, soft eyes; smooth, radiant skin; and thick hair. They have regular digestion. They are naturally calm, thoughtful, and loving. Also they have an inherent ability to enjoy life, being happy and are comfortable with routine  . They are strong, loyal, patient, steady, and supportive.

However, when Kapha is out of balance – 

Just as a nourishing rainstorm may turn into a rampant flood, the fluids of the body may flood the bodily tissues, contributing to a heavy dampness that weighs down the body and clouds the mind. This dense, cold, and swampy environment becomes the breeding ground for a number of bodily disorders such as allergies, acne, obesity, sinus congestion, asthma, laziness, sluggish digestion, litholysis, Diabetes Mellitus and anything related to mucous. Also they face difficulty in losing weight, but easily gain weight. Mentally, the loving and calm disposition of the Kapha individual may transform into lethargy, attachment and depression.

Character Strengths Of Kapha Type Individual –

We all enjoy the lovable nature of Kapha people, and having them close to us can be a real pleasure. Nothing seems to get them out of balance, and they always seem patient and understanding. They are ideal managers, who calmly handle several issues simultaneously and can also answer other urgent questions while doing so. Though they are slow in learning, they retain what they have learned and can remember the minor details. Kaphas are the ideal lovers and believe in treating everybody equally with love and affection. Forgiving and compassionate, the Kapha body types are known to be very nurturing and protective.

Kapha types have declared regularity and routine as their life principle, which they do not have to work on. 

Kaphas are naturally calm, thoughtful, and loving. They have an inherent ability to enjoy life and are generally happy and content. Kaphas are strong, loyal, patient, steady, and supportive. Being less talkative makes them ideal listeners which people always adore .They are kind, trustworthy, truthful and grateful. Their calm and helping nature along with their good conduct, makes them have good long lasting relationships.

Character  Weaknesses Of Kapha Type Individual –

People with an excess of Kapha tend to hold on to things, jobs, and relationships long after they are no longer nourishing or necessary. Excess Kapha in the mind manifests as depression, resistance to change, laziness and stubbornness. In the face of stress, the typical Kapha response is, “I don’t want to deal with it. Their constant laziness and lethargy can make them become careless and negligent which may lead to incomplete goals and unfinished tasks .

Note: You will not have all characteristics of Kapha Body Type as described in this article. Pure Kapha Constitution is very rare. You will also have a proportion of other Dosha, which can neutralize the effects of each other. The predominance in Kapha Dosha represents that you will have a maximum of Kapha Body Type Characteristics.

Typical Kapha Disorders

Diseases occurring due to imbalance of the “watery” Kapha are related to increased fluid in the organism, localized in the mouth and tongue, nose, respiratory system, stomach, spleen, around the heart, where there is a protective sack, nails and hair. Also if the Kapha type acts on the tendencies toward overeating, avoiding exercise, and excessive sleep for a long time, the Kapha Dosha is derailed and depressions, obesity, litholysis, and Diabetes mellitus may occur.Other Kapha related disorders include Bronchitis, Runny nose, Sinusitis, flue, colds, swellings. 

The imbalanced Kapha can cause gastrointestinal problems, because it plays a role in the primary processing of food – its liquefaction. It can also cause problems with the joints, because it is responsible for their lubrication, as well as nerve problems because it nourishes the nervous system.

It is also responsible for the fluids in the heart, so it can cause heart problems. This is intensified by the tendency to gain weight. Due to the low physical activity, strong appetite, poor digestion and slow metabolism, the people of Kapha type are also prone to accumulation of excessive weight. 

Overweight and obesity are associated with a number of diseases – high blood pressure, varicose veins, heart attack and diabetes. This type of people are inert and resist changes in life, that’s why they are at risk of melancholy and depression. 

The activity of Kapha gets intensified in late winter as its high levels continue also in the beginning of the spring. These are the periods during which the risk of development of mental and physical problems increases for people with that Dosha, including with regard to headaches, cysts and tumors. 

Which foods to avoid if you are a Kapha Type Individual?

Wheat, Gluten containing grains like Barley, Rye, Oats, Spelt, Soya, Corn, Eggs, Peanuts, All Dairy products like Milk, Cheese, Butter, Cottage Cheese( Paneer), Yogurt, Kefir etc, are strictly to be avoided by all, due to their high susceptibility of causing un-diagnosed food sensitivities. We highly encourage giving up Gluten, Dairy Products and Sugar to all patients in order to achieve optimal Health.

Cucumber, Brinjal( Aubergine) , Mushroom, Olives, Sweet Potato,Pumpkin, Tomato, potatoes these vegetables cause Kapha vitiation

Avocado, Dates, Watermelon, Banana, Cherry, Coconut, Fig (Fresh), Grapes (Sweet), Lemon, Sweet Lime, Mango, Orange, Peaches, Ripe Pears, Pineapple, Raisins these fruits cause Kapha vitiation

Yeast containing bread, wheat, oats, pasta white or brown rice, soy beans, soy flour, urad dal, these cause Kapha vitiation.

Deep Coloured Chicken, duck, fish, goat meat when eaten in excess, cause Kapha vitiation.

Dry mango powder (Amchoor) , poppy seeds, salt, sweet sauces, soya sauce, these increase Kapha

Cashew Nuts, coconut, peanut, pistachio, sesame, walnuts, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds (eaten in excess), sunflower seeds (eaten in excess) vitiate Kapha.

Coconut oil, olive oil, sesame oil, soybean oil increase Kapha

Sugar, Jaggery, all sweet juices and sweet foods, cooked honey increase Kapha.

All Dairy products like Milk, Cheese, Butter, Cottage Cheese( Paneer), Yogurt, Kefir etc, are strictly to be avoided by all, due to their high susceptibility of causing un-diagnosed food sensitivities. We highly encourage giving up Gluten, Dairy Products and Sugar to all patients in order to achieve optimal Health.

All sweet juices and drinks, Almond drink, banana milk shake, cold drink, chocolate drink, coconut milk, lemon juice , these increase Kapha

Yogurt, sweet chutney, vinegar, sour and salty juices, these increase Kapha.

Health Tips for Kapha Types

According to Ayurveda, it’s important to eat foods that have a balancing effect on the dominant dosha or that will pacify (stabilize) a dosha that has become excessive or aggravated. Because Kapha is heavy, oily, and cold, favor foods that are light, dry, or warm. Foods with pungent, bitter, and astringent tastes are most beneficial for pacifying Kapha. Reduce foods with sweet, sour, and salty tastes.

Try a liquid fast one day per week, ingesting only fresh vegetable and fruit juices, and pureed vegetable soup.

Avoid most sweeteners. Honey is one sweetener that can best pacify Kapha. Other sweeteners, however, should be avoided because they increase the Kapha dosha. Take a tablespoon or two (but no more) of raw honey every day can help release excess Kapha. Do not cook with honey though.

Drink hot ginger tea with meals to help stimulate slow digestion and sharpen dull taste buds. 

In general, a Kapha diet should be lively and full of energy to help spark the digestive and metabolic systems. Eat your largest meal at lunchtime and a smaller meal at dinnertime. Allow at least three hours for digestion before bedtime.

Exercise regularly as it helps in pacifying Kapha.

Which is the best diet for Kapha type individual? 

Wheat, Gluten containing grains like Barley, Rye, Oats, Spelt, Soya, Corn, Eggs, Peanuts, All Dairy products like Milk, Cheese, Butter, Cottage Cheese( Paneer), Yogurt, Kefir etc, are strictly to be avoided by all, due to their high susceptibility of causing un-diagnosed food sensitivities. We highly encourage giving up Gluten, Dairy Products and Sugar to all patients in order to achieve optimal Health.

Vegetables with pungent, bitter and astringent taste, Asparagus, beet, beet greens, bitter gourd, green cabbage, celery, purple cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, mustard greens, green coriander, okra, turnips, ash gourd, spinach, radish, garlic, ginger, french beans, green chillies, green leafy vegetables, green onions, green peas, water chestnut, wheat grass, these pacify Kapha

Generally Fruits with astringent taste, apples, grapes, papaya, indian pear ( Nashpati), plums, pomegranates, strawberries, plum, figs (dried), these pacify Kapha. Also Daily consumption of Fruits should be avoided, as they are high in sugars which can lead to insulin resistance and inflammation, ultimately leading to Metabolic Syndrome, weak immunity, high blood pressure and Neurological diseases. Occasional consumption in moderation is appreciated.

Aged Basmati, buckwheat flour, roasted gluten free grains, millets, mung bean, black eyed beans, Chickpeas, chana dal, toor dal, masoor dal, these pacify Kapha.

Moderate amounts of lean meats of chicken , turkey, rabbit etc, pacify Kapha. Since Eggs are common allergens hence they should be avoided.

Caraway seeds, tulsi (holy basil), cinnamon, cloves, cumin seeds, dried coriander seeds, saunf (anise seeds), ginger, garlic, neem leaves, asafoetida, mint leaves, pippali(piper longum), keshar(saffron strands), trikatu (mixture of dried ginger, black pepper and piper longum), turmeric, red chilli, fenugreek seeds, mustard seeds, black pepper, these pacify Kapha

Soaked almonds in moderation, Chironji (Buchanania Lanzan), flax seeds, sunflower seeds in moderation, pumpkin seeds in moderation, pacify Kapha. Please note that all nuts and seeds are to be consumed only after soaking them for 8 to 10 hours.

Uncooked honey pacifies Kapha Also Daily consumption of Sweeteners should be avoided, as they can lead to insulin resistance and inflammation, ultimately leading to Metabolic Syndrome, weak immunity, high blood pressure and Neurological diseases. Occasional consumption in moderation is appreciated.

We highly encourage all individuals to give up Dairy products completely as they have shown to cause food sensitivities which ultimately lead to various inflammatory diseases . So all forms of Dairy like Milk, Cheese, Butter, Butter Milk, Yogurt, Kefir, Cottage cheese( Paneer) , ice creams etc, should be completely Avoided. However, as Ghee or clarified butter is free from the harmful proteins in Dairy, it can be consumed.

Almond oil, Flaxseed oil, Sunflower seed oil, these pacify Kapha

Aloe vera juice, Berry juice, carrot juice, coffee, vegetable juices, pomegranate juice, papaya juice, strawberry juice, all without any added sugar pacify Kapha. Also Daily consumption of Fruits or Fruit Juices should be avoided, as they are high in sugars which can lead to insulin resistance and inflammation, ultimately leading to Metabolic Syndrome, weak immunity, high blood pressure and Neurological diseases. Occasional consumption in moderation is appreciated.

Food that is hot; sweet, bitter, and astringent tastes help to pacify Kapha. AlsoDark Chocolate, spicy chutney, coriander leaves, these pacify Kapha.