What Does the word ‘Pitta’ Mean?

The Word ‘Pitta’ is derived from the Sanskrit root word ‘TAP’(तप्), which has three meanings

1. ‘Tap Santape’(तप् संतापे ) Which Means that which generates heat.

2. ‘Tap Dahe’(तप् दाहे) Which Means that which burns or causes burning sensation.

3. ‘Tap Aishwarye’(तप् ऐश्वर्ये) Which Means that which creates abundance.`

It also refers to the act of burning the ingested food – ‘Tapayati dahati bhulamaahaarjaatamiti’ (तापयति दहति भूलमाहरजातमिति )

In the physical world the functions of burning, cooking, generating heat are performed by Agni and these same functions are performed by Pitta Dosha in the body.  Agni and water are the main elements (Pancha Mahabhootas) in the composition of Pitta, but the former is more pronounced. Think of it as a fire which flows.

Pitta is the energy of digestion and metabolism in the body that functions through carrier substances such as organic acids, hormones, enzymes, and bile. While Pitta is most closely related to the element of Fire, the liquid nature of these substances is attributed to the element of Water in Pitta’s make-up.

The main locations of Pitta in the body are the small intestine, stomach, liver, spleen, pancreas, blood, eyes, and sweat. Physiologically, Pitta provides the body with heat and energy through the breakdown of complex food molecules.

If you think of conversion and Transformation, think of Pitta. It governs all metabolic processes in the body, digestion and transformation of food into various body tissues(Dhatus), regulation of body temperature and keeping our hormonal balance. Hunger, thirst, vision,  glow on face, intelligence, valour, anger and attraction are associated with Pitta.

If it is out of balance our entire physiology can go for a toss.

What Does it mean if you are a Pitta Type Individual?

The qualities of Pitta are oily, sharp, hot, light, moving, liquid, and acidic. A Pitta individual will be a personified version of these fiery qualities which will manifest in his body and mind, be it in a balanced healthy state or imbalanced diseased state.

Pitta Type Individuals are usually of medium size and weight and are well structured. They are sharp and have a strong intellect. They may sometimes have bright red hair and may also suffer from baldness, premature hair greying and thinning of hair. They have excellent digestion which is also responsible for there frequent hunger pangs and inability to do fasting. They are usually fair skinned and are sensitive to heat. Their skin is delicate and sensitive, having many moles. They have a warm body temperature. They sleep soundly for short periods of time and have a strong sex drive.

When Pitta is in balance-

– They have a radiant, lustrous complexion

– They have a perfect digestion

– They have abundant energy

– They have a strong appetite.

– They sleep through the night

However, when Pitta is out of balance –

– They may suffer from skin rashes, acne, excessive stomach acid,  burning sensations, peptic ulcers, excessive body heat, heartburn, indigestion, migraine and loose bowel movements.

– They have disturbed sleep

Just as a bonfire may turn into a forest fire without proper care, the internal fire of the mind and body must be kept in check to create balance and maintain optimal health.

Character Strengths Of Pitta Type Individual –

Think of Go-getters, Perfectionists, Think of Pitta Type Individuals. With the Radiant Light of their Persona and impeccable Intellect, they are the Perfect Leaders, Orators and Teachers. They have a great ability to concentrate and are good at decision making. So if you assign a Pitta Type Individual a task, consider it done.

Psychologically, Pitta governs joy, courage, willpower and mental perception. A balanced Pitta individual lives with inner peace and happiness and is blessed with tremendous courage and drive.

Character  Weaknesses Of Pitta Type Individual –

An unbalanced Pitta can make a Pitta Type Individual prone to workaholic tendencies. Also, the haywire fire of the mind and body, make the ‘Laughing Pitta’ individual quickly turn into a short-tempered ‘Yelling Pitta’. You definitely wouldn’t want to get into an argument with an outspoken Pitta Individual. Anger, rage, and ego replace Pitta’s positive attributes, leaving The Pitta type individual who is bitter, overly controlling and arrogant towards others.

There is a saying that imbalanced Pitta individuals don’t go to hell; they simply create hell wherever they go!

So next time when you see Your Pitta type wife yelling at you calmly say to yourself  “Honey, I know it is your Pitta who is yelling, not you.”

What does a Pitta Type person Like?

Pitta type people have a strong Digestive fire, which makes them digest heavy foods pretty quickly. Also, because Pitta dosha is warm in nature, they reap benefits from things that are cool and from foods that are sweet and soothing. They mainly crave for Sweet, Bitter and Astringent tasting foods and drinks. They crave for shady and cool surroundings, with soothing fragrances, wearing light cotton clothes and doing light-hearted activities like being in the company of loved ones and children.

If you are Pitta-predominant, some of the best things you can do to stay balanced are cooling activities like swimming, taking walks in the woods ( Not under sun and in summers) and along natural bodies of water, being surrounded by plants and fresh flowers in home and office, walking in the moonlight, wearing garlands of fragrant flowers, using cooling scents, Yoga, Meditation and listening to ‘Raga Megha’.

A gentle massage with cooling oils like Coconut Oil and olive oil, cold packs on stomach, neck and forehead region and Ayurvedic Panchakarma Procedures like Takra Dhara, bring them an immense sense of physical and mental serenity, which they tend to enjoy greatly.

What does a Pitta Type person Dislike?

Pitta type people are generally not fond of hot and spicy foods. They don’t relish Salty, sour and Spicy foods and drinks. Also, hot weather makes them extremely uncomfortable. They dislike heavy strenuous exercise, walking in the Sun or being in congested non ventilated rooms. Keeping long gaps between meals, fasting, hot water baths and steam or Sauna make them miserable.

Typical Pitta Disorders:-

Those who –

  • indulge in eating excessively hot, spicy, oily foods, light foods, vinegar and drink tea, coffee, alcohol etc.
  • Indulge in excessive salty, sour (eg. vinegar, lemon, tomatoes, tamarind, bread, curd, pickles etc.) and pungent (eg. Green chilli, garlic, onion etc.)foods,
  • Expose themselves to the hot Sun and fire
  • Do excessive  physical work or exercise
  • Try to suppress the natural urges of hunger and thirst
  • Be in constant mental stress
  • Do the above things especially during the digestive time of food (two hours after eating food), Afternoon (12 pm to 2pm), Midnight(12 am to 2 am), Summer Season ( Grishma Ritu – May & June) and Autumn Season ( Sharad Ritu- September & October), in middle age ( between 30 to 60 age )  

They become prone to Pitta disorders.

Since Pitta Type individual has a strong digestive fire they may indulge in overeating harmful foods or starving which eventually leads to Pitta Disorders. Also, they become short-tempered making them less popular due to their outspoken dictatorial attitude. Their workaholic tendencies and the urge to be perfectionists can take a toll on their Physical and mental health in the long run and also cause sleep disturbances.

If a Pitta Prakriti person indulges in spicy(eg. Green chilli, garlic, onion etc.), salty and sour foods ( eg. vinegar, lemon, tomatoes, tamarind, breads, curd, pickles etc.) does excessive physical strain and moves excessively in midday sun and during summers, he is easily prone to get inflammatory diseases, burning sensation in body, mouth ulcers, excessive sweating, fatigue, insomnia, migraines, diarrhoea,  hyperacidity, high blood pressure, internal/external bleeding, anxiety, hypersensitivity, low sperm count etc. Also, such a female would be prone to repeated miscarriages, excessive internal bleeding or complete failure in conception, menorrhagia, Metrorrhagia etc.


Which foods to avoid if you are a Pitta Type Individual?

Wheat, Gluten containing grains like Barley, Rye, Oats, Spelt, Soya, Corn, Eggs, Peanuts, All Dairy products like Milk, Cheese, Butter, Cottage Cheese( Paneer), Yogurt, Kefir etc, are strictly to be avoided by all, due to their high susceptibility of causing un-diagnosed food sensitivities. We highly encourage giving up Gluten, Dairy Products and Sugar to all patients in order to achieve optimal Health.

Beetroot Greens, celery, carrot, radish, (raw), raw onion, mushroom, mustard greens, olives, garlic, ginger, green chilli, hot peppers, spinach, tomatoes, corn kernels cause Pitta vitiation.

All pre-cut fruits, sour apples, sour cherries, sour grapes, lemon, limes, oranges, pineapple, papaya, strawberries, peaches, sour mangoes, tamarind, cranberries, prunes and basically all sour fruits cause Pitta vitiation.

Fermented or yeast containing foods, bread, buckwheat, rye, maize, pearl millet, oats, soya granules, black lentil cause Pitta vitiation.

Egg yolk, chicken, duck, pork, sea food and goat meat cause Pitta vitiation.

Caraway seeds( ajwain), Asafoetida ( Hing), Salt, Black Pepper, Cayenne, Celery Seeds, Bay Leaf (Tej Patta), Black Cumin (Shahi Jeera), Red chilli, Ginger, Garlic, Dried mango powder, Mustard, Onion, Poppy seeds( Khus Khus), Fenugreek( Methi) , Cloves ( Lavang) , Sesame seeds (Til) , Nutmeg (Jaiphal) cause Pitta vitiation.

Almonds, Peanuts, Pinenuts, Sesame Seeds, Pistachios, Walnuts, Cashew nuts cause Pitta vitiation.

Almond Oil, Animal Fat, Castor Oil, Mustard Oil, Sesame Oil, Vegetable Oils , Corn Oil, Safflower Oil, Sunflower Oil cause Pitta vitiation.

Honey, Jaggery, Molasses, White Sugar cause Pitta vitiation.

All Dairy products like Milk, Cheese, Butter, Cottage Cheese( Paneer), Yogurt, Kefir etc, are strictly to be avoided by all, due to their high susceptibility of causing un-diagnosed food sensitivities. We highly encourage giving up Gluten, Dairy Products and Sugar to all patients in order to achieve optimal Health.

Alcohol, Cold Drinks, Banana Milk Shake, Coffee, Carrot Juice, Tomato Juice, Vinegar, Chocolate drink, Salty drinks, Papaya juice, Pineapple Juice, Sweet Lime Juice, Mixed Fruit Juice, Orange Juice cause Pitta vitiation.

Pop corn, salt, pickles, sauerkraut, mustard sauce, mayonnaise, miso paste, olives cause Pitta vitiation. Also pungent, sour, and salty tastes cause Pitta vitiation


Health Tips for Pitta Types
The first step to achieving good health is to understand your constitution and act in accordance with the principle of creating a balance.
If Pitta is predominant in your constitution, you should avoid all factors that can increase Pitta, the first and foremost being avoiding spicy, hot foods and making choices that are cooling, sweet, and stabilizing. Do not skip meals and do not wait until you are starving to eat.
Try to eat more foods that are sweet, bitter and astringent. Also eat more cooling foods such as cucumbers, sweet fruits, and melons.
Indulge in a daily gentle massage with coconut oil or olive oil. Use aroma oils that are cooling and sweet like Sandalwood, rose, jasmine, mint, lavender, fennel, and chamomile.
Drink chamomile tea, jasmine tea, and herbal infusions of liquorice, fennel, turmeric coriander and mint.
Some of the best things you can do to stay balanced are cooling activities like swimming, taking walks in the woods ( Not under sun and in summers) and along natural bodies of water, being surrounded by plants and fresh flowers in home and office, walking in the moonlight, wearing garlands of fragrant flowers, using cooling scents, Yoga, Meditation and listening to ‘Raga Megha’.
According to Ayurveda the best means to pacify Pitta is to consume pure Native Indian cow Ghee. Also taking Takra Dhara during summers and Rainy season helps to keep Pitta in balance.

Which is the best diet for Pitta type individual? 

Foods to Be Strictly Avoided - Wheat, Gluten containing grains like Barley, Rye, Oats, Spelt, Soya, Corn, Eggs, Peanuts, All Dairy products like Milk, Cheese, Butter, Cottage Cheese( Paneer), Yogurt, Kefir etc, are strictly to be avoided by all, due to their high susceptibility of causing un-diagnosed food sensitivities. We highly encourage giving up Gluten, Dairy Products and Sugar to all patients in order to achieve optimal Health.

Green beans, cabbage, sprouts, cauliflower, potatoes, parsley, capsicum, coriander, aubergines, leafy green vegetables, okra, cooked radish, water chestnut, cucumber, pumpkin, sweet potato, peas, bottle gourd, asparagus, artichoke, white pumpkin, zucchini (courgette), fennel, chicory, broccoli, green papaya, Brussels sprouts, lettuce, lotus root all these pacify Pitta.

All sweet fruits, ripe bananas, sweet grapes, sweet berries, pomegranate, avocado, sweet mango, coconut, melons, sweet apple, ripe pears, raisins, dates, figs, apricot, sweet orange, sweet pineapple, grapefruit, olive, persimmon, cashew fruit, kiwi fruit, plums all these pacify Pitta. Also Daily consumption of Fruits should be avoided, as they are high in sugars which can lead to insulin resistance and inflammation, ultimately leading to Metabolic Syndrome, weak immunity, high blood pressure and Neurological diseases. Occasional consumption in moderation is appreciated.

Well cooked rice, Sorghum millet, chickpeas, black eyed peas, kidney beans, mung bean, split chickpeas all these pacify Pitta.

Chicken( white) in small amounts, pheasant, turkey all these pacify Pitta.

Fennel seeds, cloves, turmeric, mint, Licorice, cinnamon, Coriander, nutmeg (small amounts), cumin, cardamom, cilantro all these pacify Pitta.Also Chewing fennel seeds after meals helps to cool down acid in the stomach.

Soaked almonds, coconut, gorgon nuts (makhana), pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds all these pacify Pitta. Please note that all nuts and seeds are to be consumed only after soaking them for 8 to 10 hours.

Sugarcane products (unprocessed white rock sugar/natural candy sugar is best; raw cane sugar, unrefined brown sugar), maple syrup, sugars from sweet fruits all these pacify Pitta. Also Daily consumption of Sweeteners should be avoided, as they can lead to insulin resistance and inflammation, ultimately leading to Metabolic Syndrome, weak immunity, high blood pressure and Neurological diseases. Occasional consumption in moderation is appreciated.

We highly encourage all individuals to give up Dairy products completely as they have shown to cause food sensitivities which ultimately lead to various inflammatory diseases . So all forms of Dairy like Milk, Cheese, Butter, Butter Milk, Yogurt, Kefir, Cottage cheese( Paneer) , ice creams etc, should be completely Avoided. However, as Ghee or clarified butter, which pacifies Pitta, is free from the harmful proteins in Dairy, it can be consumed freely.

Ghee, canola oil, coconut oil, olive oil, soybean oil, all these pacify Pitta.

Aloe vera juice, vegetable juices, pomegranate juice, rice starch, soaked Almond milk, sweet fruit juices all these pacify Pitta. Also Daily consumption of Fruits or Fruit Juices should be avoided, as they are high in sugars which can lead to insulin resistance and inflammation, ultimately leading to Metabolic Syndrome, weak immunity, high blood pressure and Neurological diseases. Occasional consumption in moderation is appreciated.

Food not too hot; cool or lukewarm drinks according to preference; sweet, bitter, and astringent tastes help to pacify Pitta