Vata type induvidual

What Does the word ‘Vata’ Mean?

The Word Vata is derived from the Sanskrit root Word ‘Vagathi Gandhanayoh’, which means the one which initiates movement and generates enthusiasm. It incorporates the properties of the elements  ‘Ether’(Aakash Mahabhuta) and ‘Air’(Vayu Mahabhuta). In the human body, it governs Movement and Communication and is in charge of our vitality and development. Breath, Speech, dissemination, assimilation, excretion, communication of the nervous system, all these functions are carried out by Vata Dosha. Also, emotions of fear, uncertainty and irritability are initiated by Vata.

What Does it mean if you are a Vata Type Individual?

An individual with a Vata type constitution will have physical and mental characteristics that mirror  Ether and Air. Vata types are usually very short or very tall people. Their body structure is rather slender, delicate and lean, like that of athletes or models. They have thin, dry skin, fuzzy hair, and tooth irregularities. They don’t perspire much. They have cold hands and feet and so have an intense affinity to a warm climate.

In summers, Vata type individuals are prone to get overly tanned in the sun which causes even more damage to their skin that is already vulnerable to early ageing. They have very choosy, irregular and scanty eating habits. There sleep is short and disturbed with dreams about wandering in the open sky, top of trees, mountains and dry places.

Character Strengths Of Vata Type Individual – Since Vata is linked to creativity and flexibility, a Vata Type Individuals are very creative, enthusiastic and vocal with their feelings. They are easily excitable, quick-witted, talkative, fun-loving, lively people. People tend to love and admire their easiness a lot.

In accordance with their qualities which they share with air, they like to move around and gain new experiences.

They are quick learners and forget quickly as well. With a highly active mind racing with thoughts, they are quick thinkers and usually act on their impulse.

Character  Weaknesses Of Vata Type Individual –

Like the basic unstable nature of Vata, their moods tend to sway, making them irritable and indifferent towards people and situations. They have a lack of control over mind, intolerance, poor memory and lack of concentration. Also, they can be greedy, mean, fearful and are more susceptible to falling prey to sensual pleasures. They may not be popular because of their forgetfulness.

On the contrary, Vata people remain vibrant, friendly and creative beings for their entire lives if they choose to live a life in equilibrium.


What does a Vata Type person Like?

Vata type people, though petty eaters have a desire for sweet, salty and sour foods and drinks. They love to relax while listening to classical music. They prefer cosy, warm rooms and like wearing silk, cotton or woollen garments which give them a sense of well being and comfort. They also like dancing, laughter, hunting and various arts. A gentle warm massage with sauna or steam can bring them an immense sense of physical and mental serenity, which they tend to enjoy greatly. Also, listening to Dhanashri and Marwa Ragas and doing Ayurvedic Panchkarma procedure of Basti is highly beneficial for Vata Individuals.

What does a Vata Type person Dislike?

Vata type people are generally not fond of Bitter, astringent and pungent foods and drinks. Also, Cold and dry weather makes them extremely uncomfortable. They dislike fearful situations. Also, they experience excessive fatigue if they indulge in physical or mental exertion.

Typical Vata Disorders:-

Those who –

  • indulge in eating cold, dry, stale or so-called low-fat foods,
  • do excessive  physical work
  • Try to suppress the natural urges of sleep, sneeze,  cough, urine, stools, flatulence or hiccups
  • Be in constant mental stress
  • Do a lot of fasting or spend prolonged periods without eating or drinking water
  • Do the above things especially in the Rainy Season (July & August) and winter season (January & February).

They become prone to Vata disorders.

Vata types can be very fussy and forgetful eaters, which clubbed with an unstable digestive fire makes things even worse for them. They may suffer from various deficiencies leading to chronic neurodegenerative diseases. Due to their highly active nature of mind and body, they tend to have issues with sleep. If they remain out of balance for an extended period of time, they may experience anxiety and nervousness.

If  a Vata type individual gives in to drinking liquor, smoking, fasting, consuming foods and drinks having bitter ( eg,coffee , dark chocolate) astringent (eg. beans, peas etc.) and pungent tastes(eg. Green chilli, garlic, onion etc.), excessive indulgence in sex, excessive exercise, along with constant exposure to cold and wind, he becomes susceptible to  80 kinds of Vata ailments. He may suffer from paralysis, sciatica, facial paralysis, weak nervous system, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, spondylosis, Asthma, aches and pains in the body, hearing loss, weakness, fractures, insomnia, Structural defects of sperms, low sperm count, erectile dysfunction, low sperm motility, premature ejaculation etc.

Likewise, if such a female indulges in the above, she may also experience primary or secondary infertility, blocked Fallopian tubes or trouble with ovum (egg) maturation.


Which foods to avoid if you are a Vata Type Individual?

Raw salads, raw vegetables, sprouted grains and seeds, green cabbage, beetroot greens, greens of Brown gram, beetroot, aubergines, peas, radishes, tomatoes, cauliflower, mushrooms, okra, and all other raw greens cause Vata vitiation.

Apples, dried fruits, unripe pears, dried raisins, watermelon, unripe bananas and other unripe fruits cause Vata vitiation.

Barley, Sattu, Dried and roasted lentils, corn, pearl millet, Brown Gram, Roasted dried Brown Gram, Black-eyed beans, kidney beans, Moth Bean, Dried Soybeans, Chickpeas, Chana Dal, Black lentil ( Masoor), dried legumes etc. cause Vata vitiation.

Lamb Meat, Pork and all dried and stale meats cause Vata vitiation.

Raw garlic, ginger, turmeric, nutmeg (Jaiphal ), mace(javitri), drumsticks cause Vata vitiation.

Soybean oil, groundnut oil, Vanaspati or Vegetable hydrogenated oils, Canola Oil cause Vata vitiation.

Consumed in excess all seeds cause Vata vitiation.

Alcohol, Tetrapack juices, Cold drinks, Colas, Chocolate laden drinks, tea, coffee, all these cause Vata vitiations.

Artificial Sweeteners, Honey, and White Sugar Cause Vata vitiation

Smoking, using intoxicating agents, narcotic drugs etc. cause Vata vitiation.

Health Tips for Vata Types

The first step to achieving good health is to understand your constitution and act in accordance with the principle of creating a balance.
If Vata is predominant in your constitution, you should avoid all factors that can increase Vata, the first and foremost being avoiding fasting. Since the physical strength tends to be low, one should refrain from strenuous physical exertion. Exposure to the cold environment or working in air-conditioned areas, without proper thermal wear should be avoided. Staying in warm and humid locations is ideal for you.
You should avoid food and drinks which are cold and are of bitter ( eg, coffee, dark chocolate) astringent (eg. beans, peas etc.) and pungent tastes(eg. Green chilli, garlic, onion etc.) and consume foods and drinks which are warm and are of sweet, salty and sour tastes. Also, high-quality fats, like Ghee, butter, Coconut Oil, Bone-broth are very nourishing for you.
In Ayurveda the best tool to balance Vata is Oil. Hence getting regular warm oil massages with sauna or steam tend to be great remedial measures in treating disorders due to Vata vitiation.

Best Diet for Vata Type Individual?

Cooked vegetables like - Pointed Gourd (Parwal), Amaranthus, drumsticks, Mustard greens, beetroots, carrots, Coriander, Celery, Asparagus, garlic, french beans, spring onion greens, green chillies, red onion, pumpkin, bottle gourd, sweet potato, tomatoes (in small quantities), Colocasia root (Arbi), radish, water chestnuts, Malabar Spinach, help to pacify Vata. Vegetables which are boiled or cooked well in Oil or ghee are the best.

Ripe Peaches, Apricots, Pears, Plums, Munakka, Pineapple, Tamarind, Berries, Strawberries, Coconut, Bananas, Cherries, Dates (Fresh or Soaked if they are dry), Figs (Fresh or Soaked if they are dry), Grapes, Lemons, Oranges, Sweet Lime, Papaya, Pomegranate, ripe Mangoes, Musk melon, Phalsa , grapefruits, avocados all these pacify Vata.

Dried fruits can also be eaten after soaking, but not too much. The basic rule of Fruit Consumption is to have them at least one hour before meals or 2 hours after meals, but not in the evening.

Well cooked Oats, Wheat Chapatis, Rice, Mung bean, Yellow Lentils, Black Lentils, Horse Gram, Aged Basmati rice, Corn, preparations made with all these which are Fresh, Hot, Moist, Drenched in Oil, or Ghee and tasty to eat help in pacifying Vata.

Nutritious and fat-laden soups and nicely boiled fish, chicken (especially dark coloured) eggs, duck meat and other well-nourished white meats help in pacifying Vata.

Caraway Seeds( Ajwain), Fenugreek Seeds ( Methi Dana), Fennel ( Saunf), Bay Leaf ( Tej Patta), Holy Basil (Tulsi), Cardamom ( Elaichi). Cinnamon (Dalchini), Cumin Seeds (jeera), Cooked Garlic, Coriander, Licorice  (Mulethi), Mustard Seeds ( Sarson), Saffron ( Kesar), All types of salts, Poppy Seeds ( Khus Khus ) Mint leaves (Pudina), Star Anise ( Chakra Phool) , Nigella Seeds ( Kalonji), Black Pepper seeds, all these help to pacify Vata.

Almonds ( in small amounts ) , Cashews, Peanuts, Pistachios, Pumpkin seeds, Sesame seeds, Pine nuts help in pacifying Vata.

Fresh Thick Fruit Juices, Jaggery (dried sugar cane juice), Brown Sugar. are good for pacifying Vata

Fresh Milk, Butter Milk, Cottage Cheese (Paneer) white Butter, Cream, Cheese, Curd, Ghee help in pacifying Vata.

Almond Oil, Coconut Oil, Castor Oil, Sesame Oil, Ghee, Olive Oil, Sunflower Oil, Mustard Oil, Black Seed Oil, all these help in pacifying Vata.

The drinks which are not cold, Rice water ( Mand), Lukewarm Water, almond milk, lemon water, fresh fruit juices like Orange juice, Pomegranate juice, Sweet Lime Juice, Grape Juice, Pineapple Juice, Mango Juice, Papaya Juice, Carrot Juice, Tomato Juice, Aloe Vera Juice, all these help to pacify Vata.

Pickles, Spreads (Chutney), Dijon mustard, Mustard sauce, Tamari, Olives help in pacifying Vata.