Month: March 2024

Vata type induvidual

What Does the word ‘Vata’ Mean? The Word Vata is derived from the Sanskrit root Word ‘Vagathi Gandhanayoh’, which means the one which initiates movement and generates enthusiasm. It incorporates the properties of the elements  ‘Ether’(Aakash Mahabhuta) and ‘Air’(Vayu Mahabhuta).…

What Does the word ‘Kapha’ Mean? Kapha Dosha constitutes predominantly of earth and water elements. Kapha and Shleshma are synonyms. In sanskrit it is said that ‘Shlish Aalingane’ (श्लिष्  आलिंगने) which means to embrace or keep together or “that which…

What Does the word ‘Pitta’ Mean? The Word ‘Pitta’ is derived from the Sanskrit root word ‘TAP’(तप्), which has three meanings 1. ‘Tap Santape’(तप् संतापे ) Which Means that which generates heat. 2. ‘Tap Dahe’(तप् दाहे) Which Means that which…

This article enlists Lifestyle recommendations to fight COVID-19 based on HAIP Diet for Rainy Season

In this article we will cover some of the ways by which you can handle  groceries with a minimum chance of getting  infected, including the benefits and disadvantages of the method discussed .One can choose the appropriate method based on…