The Article also covers topics  like
a) Corona Virus preventive measures in Ayurveda
b) Ayurveda’s immunity boosting technique and
c) Ayurveda   self care during COVID 19 crisis

As per Ayurveda Vasant Ritu (season) is going on . As mentioned in the Puranic Vedic  Book in Hindi Language  ‘Devi Sanatan Amrit’ (available on Amazon),  Page no 503-505 and other Ayurveda Text Books  , this season falls in the middle part of Uttarayan (Also known as Aadaan Kaal) wherein the physical and mental strength of all living beings is medium. During this season there is a natural tendency towards increase in Kapha (Phlegm) Dosha, as  during this season , the Kapha (Phlegm) accumulated during winter season,  irritated by the strong rays of the sun melts and  disturbs the body-heat and thus causes many diseases. 

Common health conditions faced during this period are flu-like symptoms (COVID-19 is a more serious form of  flu) , cough, cold, fever, tonsillitis, respiratory disorders, asthma, allergies, indigestion, low stomach acid,constipation, lethargy etc.

 As per Ayurveda, Sleeping in the afternoon can increase Kapha (Phlegm) and Kapha (Phlegm ) is linked with COVID-19 and also Kapha (Phlegm ) Sthana (Place)  in the body  is the chest region, which gets affected by COVID-19 infection. So sleeping during the afternoon can increase your chances of complications with COVID-19 infection, as it can increase Kapha (Phlegm) . This is applicable to people who are in the High risk category and who are exposed to COVID-19 infected people. 

Now, let us look at this from the  modern science perspective . The majority of the people who get COVID-19 infection, get mild symptoms.  However the people  who get  serious symptoms of the infection are due to the Cytokine storms which their body cannot handle  . 

What exactly is a cytokine storm?

 It is the production of inflammatory NLRP3  by our immune cells.This leads to steadily increasing fluid in the lungs which can lead to  Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome or ARDS. That is typically when people  need hospitalization. The increased fluid in the lungs is similar to Kapha (Phlegm) excess of which is prevalent in this season as per Ayurveda.  Thus sleeping during the day can lead to more Kapha (Phlegm ) which can lead to more complications related to  COVID-19 infection . 

What can we do to lower our risk of cytokine storm through food ?

There is some data from  animal studies that suggest that improving the quality of our diet by consuming more vegetables and organic seasonal fruits   can reduce the activity of inflammatory NLRP3. The flavonoids quercetin found in onions  ,resveratrol found in vegetables , curcumin found in turmeric spice  , allicin  found in  garlic ( garlic may not be suitable to everyone specially people who get mouth ulcers after consuming it and who are Pitta Ayurveda Body type)  have been shown to reduce inflammatory  NLRP3 .

Also sleeping late at night or getting less night sleep are   associated with increases in inflammatory NLRP3 which can lead  to more problems related to COVID-19 infection . 

In the current health crisis we are facing globally, the symptoms of COVID-19 disease are almost similar to the kind of symptoms that people face in Vasant Ritu. Therefore it becomes all the more important to keep Kapha along with Vata and Pitta Dosha in Balance in order to equip our body to fight with this pandemic. 

Hence , In order to keep COVID-19 away and prepare ourselves to face this Pandemic  , we must follow the Dincharya (Daily routine) and Ritucharya ( Seasonal Regimen)  mentioned for Vasant Ritu in the textbook of Ayurveda . This may help to keep our Kapha Dosha in balance and also strengthen our respiratory system.

Dincharya & Ritucharya (Daily routine & Seasonal Regimen) for Vasant Ritu –

1) Caution with Spices – Spices like Haldi (Turmeric), Jeera (Cumin), Dhaniya (Coriander) and Lahsun (Garlic), Black pepper are recommended in cooking.  However these spices should only be consumed if they are compliant as per one’s Ayurveda body type. Using them just because they have been suggested for Coronavirus infection, without taking into account whether they are compliant to one’s Ayurveda body type or not can cause havoc on one’s health. Hence please follow below recommendations for spices.

Spices allowed for Vata Ayurveda Body Type Individual –  Caraway Seeds( Ajwain), Fenugreek Seeds ( Methi Dana), Fennel ( Saunf), Bay Leaf ( Tej Patta), Holy Basil (Tulsi), Cardamom ( Elaichi). Cinnamon (Dalchini), Cumin Seeds (jeera), Cooked Garlic, Coriander, Licorice  (Mulethi), Mustard Seeds ( Sarson), Saffron ( Kesar), All types of salts, Poppy Seeds ( Khus Khus ) Mint leaves (Pudina), Star Anise ( Chakra Phool) , Nigella Seeds ( Kalonji), Black Pepper seeds.

Spices allowed for Pitta Ayurveda Body Type Individual – Fennel seeds, cloves(in less quantity) , turmeric, mint, Licorice, cinnamon, Coriander, cumin, cardamom, cilantro. Pitta Individuals should strictly avoid the general recommendations prevailing on the internet and other social media platforms of eating black pepper, ginger, garlic and other heaty herbs and spices. Consuming these may increase inflammation in the body which may increase the chances of infection and it’s complications. Consult with your Doctor before using heaty herbs and spices.

Spices allowed for Kapha Ayurveda Body Type Individual – Caraway seeds, tulsi (holy basil), cinnamon, cloves, cumin seeds, dried coriander seeds, saunf (anise seeds), ginger, garlic, neem leaves, asafoetida, mint leaves, pippali(piper longum), keshar(saffron strands), trikatu (mixture of dried ginger, black pepper and piper longum), turmeric, red chilli, fenugreek seeds, mustard seeds, black pepper

2) Ayurvedic Immunity Promoting Measures
a) Vata Ayurveda Body Type Individuals should take Chyavanprash 10gm (1tsf) in the morning with lukewarm water. Vata Type Diabetics should take sugar free Chyawanprash. Also taking Ashwagandha churna , giloy churna may also help in improving immunity
b) Pitta Ayurveda Body Type Individuals should take Shatavari choorna, Mulethi churna( in pulsing dose), Amalaki churna, Giloy satva for improving immunity.
c) Kapha Ayurveda Body Type Individuals should take Amalaki churna, Triphala churna, Haritaki churna, Giloy churna for immune boosting.

3) Basic and most important rules to be followed –  During this season a heavy, sour, fatty and sweet diet, as well as day-sleep should be avoided. Eg of such foods are deep fried foods, sugar candies, chocolates,  tamarind, pickles, curd , all types of sugars etc should be avoided. Also cold beverages like aerated drinks, cold fruit juices, sharbats, ice cream , foods that give you any discomfort  etc. should be avoided because they increase Kapha (Phlegm) Dosha .

4) Dry Massaging (Ruksha Udvartana)  – Dry Massaging the body using medicated powders ( churnas) may help.
– For people with Kapha Ayurveda body type using Triphala Choorna, Amalaki churna, Haritaki churna, Bibhitaki churna,Pushkarmula churna, Yava churna, Vacha Churna for dry massage is beneficial.
-For people with Pitta  Ayurveda body type should use Amalaki churna,  Licorice or Yashtimadhu churna, Rose petals churna, Neem churna, Sariva churna, White Sandalwood churna , Red Sandalwood churna, Ushira churna, Turmeric (Haldi) churna  for dry massage.
– Dry massage is not indicated for a Vata Ayurveda Body Type Individual.

5) Regular Physical Exercise – One should indulge in regular physical exercise like Surya Namaskar, Danda Baithak, Shakti Healing exercises etc based on one’s physical strength and tolerance.

6) Nasal rinse with saline water (nasal irrigation using neti pot), steam inhalation, gargles may help.
– Kapha Ayurveda body type and Vata Ayurveda body type individuals can use lukewarm salt water with a pinch of turmeric for gargling.
– Pitta Ayurveda body type  individuals should avoid steam inhalation unless advised by a Medical Practitioner .
Benefits – Nasal rinsing and gargling may wash away the virus, bacteria or any foreign body and help clean your nasal tissue and throat area. Steam inhalation may loosen the mucus in the chest and may help in breathing more easily.

7) Application of  paste of karpura, sandal and aguru on the body is advisable for Kapha Ayurveda body type and Pitta Ayurveda body type individuals. Vata Ayurveda body type individuals should avoid this.
Benefits – These herbs are antimicrobial. Hence they may reduce the bio-burden on the body.

8) Diet – Diet should  mainly consist of easy to digest HAIP (Health121 Anti Inflammatory Program) compliant foods which should be Gluten free, Dairy free and sugar free suitable for your Ayurveda body type. If you have any chronic illness it may be due to your wrong eating habits, mostly related to eating foods not recommended for your Ayurvedic Body type  . Hence it is recommended that you  eat food as per your Ayurveda body type which reduces inflammation, as mentioned in the Book ‘Devi Sanatan Amrit’ .

9) Daily Intermittent fasting of 16 to 18 hours – Due to Coronavirus  issue, to whom their  Dr permits, should follow Intermittent Fasting .It is recommended to have maximum two meals a day with fasting of 16 to 18 Hrs . Fasting triggers autophagy which is very helpful to kill germs and rejuvenate your body which may prepare you to fight CoronaVirus infection.

10) Daily practice of Yogasanas , Pranayama and meditation for at least 30 minutes is advisable as this can relax your body and boost  immunity . Going out and walking is not recommended during this time .

11) Strict Home Isolation –  Looking at the current health crisis caused by Coronavirus, one should practice total Home Isolation as mentioned in  Ayurveda TextBook Sushrut  Samhita Chapter 6.

12) Sleep around 10 pm  – It is recommended to sleep around 10 pm which helps the body to produce  Melatonin which is a natural antioxidant and Antiviral.

13) Simple Ayurvedic Procedures
1. Nasya (Nasal oil application) – Apply sesame oil / coconut oil or Ghee in both the nostrils (Pratimarsh Nasya) in morning and evening.
Benefits – This may help create a barrier between the outer environment and the  body tissue, which may reduce the chances of virus attachment in that area.

2. Oil pulling or Gandoosh therapy ( Holding and swirling of oil or honey in mouth) – Vata Ayurveda Body Type individuals should use sesame oil for Gandoosh, Pitta Ayurveda Body Type individuals should use coconut oil and Kapha Ayurveda Body Type Individuals should use Honey for  Gandoosh. This can be done once or twice a day. Take 1 tablespoon sesame or coconut oil or honey in the mouth. Do not drink, Swish in the mouth for 2 to 3 minutes and spit it off followed by warm water rinse.
Benefits – Oil pulling or Gandoosh therapy may kill bacteria in the mouth, as the suggested oils naturally reduce inflammation and bacteria , moisturise the gums , increase saliva production, thus  improving oral health. This process also helps in balancing Vata, Pitta and Kapha Dosha.

14) Drink herbal tea / decoction
1) Decoction  (Kadha) made from Tulsi (Basil), Dalchini (Cinnamon), Kalimirch (Black pepper), Shunthi (Dry Ginger) and Munakka (Raisin) – once or twice a day. Add fresh lemon juice to your taste, if needed.
Warning : This is indicated only for Kapha and Vata Ayurveda Body Type individuals.

2) Pitta Ayurveda Body Type individuals can have Chamomile tea, Green tea or Cinnamon tea

3) Golden Milk ( Dairy Free) – Half teaspoon Haldi (turmeric) in 200 ml coconut milk suitable for all Ayurveda body types.
Benefits – These herbal teas  are natural antioxidants which may help in reducing the inflammation, thus reducing disease complications along with various other benefits according to the tea chosen.

15) Havan : Havan with  Cow Dung may help to reduce the microbial  load  and adding  Cow Ghee  strengthens the Person, his/her family and society.

Know your Ayurveda body Type for Free – Please visit the following link :

The Book Devi Sanatan Amrit in Hindi Language- To buy this book please visit the following link

The above measures can be followed to the extent possible as per an individual’s convenience.

Disclaimer: The above information does not claim to be a treatment for COVID 19.